Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

Physical Therapy And Rehabilitation

Medical (drug), physical therapy agents (superficial heat (hot pack or infrared), deep heat (short wave or ultrasound), cold application, contrast bath, electrotherapy (electric current), traction, exercises), various orthotic applications (wrist, corset, insoles … etc) and local injections (painful point injections, joint injections) are applied.

Diseases such as pain in the joints, arthritis, low back pain, neck pain, back pain are of interest in the Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Clinic. Physical therapy is applied to ensure that the various parts or organs of the body, which lost their function after any accident or various neurological diseases, regain their former functions. Rehabilitation treatment team includes people such as physical therapy specialist, physiotherapist, and rehabilitation nurse.


Services Provided:

  • Treatment of neck, back and lower back pain, neck and lumbar hernias and joint arthrosis
  • Treatment of pain in the shoulder, arm and leg joints
  • Treatment of rheumatic diseases
  • Diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis disease
  • Rehabilitation practices after hand surgery
  • Rehabilitation of strokes in the arms and legs caused by stroke, brain damage and spinal cord injuries
  • Therapeutic and preventive rehabilitation treatments to return the athlete to sports as soon as possible after sports injury
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation practices after peripheral nerve injuries and facial paralysis
  • Rehabilitation treatments before and after orthopedic diseases (especially fractures and dislocations, knee meniscus and ligament diseases) and orthopedic operations such as arthroplasty
  • Treatment of patients with swelling in the arms and legs (lymphedema) as a result of impaired lymph circulation

08:30 – 17:00 on Weekdays
It is working on the weekend (Saturday) 08:30 – 13:00.