Our Birth Pack


  • 10 birth examinations + 10 control examinations
  • Necessary Analysis and Inspections
  • Double-triple screening tests
  • The first general examination of the baby
  • Door decoration
  • 1 Night Accommodation (2 Nights for Necessary)
  • Mini check-up package for Dad
  • Postpartum for the mother; first two women birth exam
  • Free dental examination for mother
  • Breastfeeding Counseling
  • Psychologist interview for 1 session before or after birth according to patient demand
  • The act of birth
  • Blood Group (ABO) + Rh
  • AST (SGPT)
  • ALT  (SGOT)
  • Prothrombin Time
  • Fasting Blood Sugar
  • Blood Count (22 parameters)
  • Urine Microscopy
  • Urine Assay with strip
  • Prothrombin Time
  • APTT
  • Activated Partial
  • Thromboblastin Time
  • Prothrombin Time
  • Urine Culture
  • Anti Hbs
  • Anti HCV
  • Anti HIV
  • Rubella (Measles)
  • Glukoz (50 gr to 1h)
  • TSH
  • Vitamin B12
  • Albumin
  • Alkaline Phosphatase
  • ToxoplasmaIg G
  • ToksoplazmaIg M
  • HbsAg
  • NST by cardiotocography (6 pieces)
  • Fancy basket according to the gender of the baby
  • Baby Shampoo
  • Baby Soap
  • Baby Oil
  • Baby Cologne
  • Determination of Jaundice(Biluribin)
  • Heel Blood Collection
  • Note: In the first 3 months of the baby, 3 examinations are free of charge.
  • Glukoz
  • Trigliserid
  • VLDL
  • Hemogram
  • Üre
  • HDL
  • HbA1c
  • HsCRP
  • Kreatinin
  • Ldl
  • Ast

May 19, Hope We promise to give your baby 20% discount for all inpatient and outpatient services that we receive from our hospital until the age of 12 …

NOTE: “Detailed USG” and “Epidural Anesthesia” are not included in the package.