

Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Unit Gastroenterology; It is an internal medicine that deals with esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, anus region, liver, gallbladder, biliary tract, pancreas and abdominal diseases.

Digestive system diseases and cancers cover a large place in human health. So much so that it displays a spectrum ranging from simple indigestion, constipation, gas complaints, jaundice, bleeding and digestive system cancers.

Gastroenterology; reflux of these organs, esophagus cancer, gastric hernia, ulcer, gastritis, stomach cancer, digestive system absorption disorders (celiac disease, etc.), spastic colon (irritable bowel syndrome), inflammatory bowel diseases (ulcerative colon, Crohn’s disease), bowel cancer includes medical and endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids), jaundice (hepatitis B or C) and cirrhosis (liver fatty), gallstones and inflammation, pancreatic diseases.

Gastroenterohepatology clinic is always at your service with its superior technology, diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy unit and multidisciplinary working opportunities.


Services Provided:

  • Esophagoscopy
  • Colonoscopy
  • Rektosigmoidoskopi
  • Kolondan Polip Eksizyonu
  • ERCP (Endoskopik Retrograd Kolonjiografi)
  • PEG (Perkütan Endoskopik Gastrostomi)
  • Removing Large Polyps from Stomach and Colon
  • Esophagus and Stomach Varicose Treatment
  • Balloon and Stent Treatment in Esophagus, Stomach and Intestinal System Stenosis
  • Hemorrhoid Band Therapy and Sclerotherapy


08:30 – 17:00 on Weekdays
It is working on the weekend (Saturday) 08:30 – 13:00.